Monday, December 13, 2010


We are done with chemo. Its a really weird and good feeling to be able to say that. It's been something that we have been driving towards for the last 4 months. It doesn't quite seem real at this point, that hopefully it will be the last time that we enter that little chemo room. It was a little anti-climatic. The nurse unhooked Drew's port and we said our thanks to the nurse for everything that she had done for us and left. No whistles, no bells but we did give each other a high five as we left the building. :) It felt good to be able to say that its our last one.

His labs this week were the lowest they have been since the beginning. His white count, hemoglobin and platelets were very low which again means he needs to be very careful about infection, bleeding and more fatigue.

At this point we are taking this time to hopefully have Drew gain some weight, and regaining his strength. Drew will be getting another CT scan  and labs on Dec 30 and then meet with the Dr again on Jan 3 and see what the next step will be. We are praying that everything look like it should and we will just get to be on surveillance and get check ups every 3 months. Its a little difficult to wait until January 3 to hear what the next step will be but luckily its a great time to get lost in the Christmas spirit and remembering why we celebrate Christmas. We will have to ask for a little patience for Christmas this year!

I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season and has a wonderful time with family and friends!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Last long day!

We are sitting at Lemmen-Holton cancer cancer for our last long day of chemo! Yay! It is super exciting to think the next two treatments will only be about an hour long and then we will be done! As excited as we are it is a bit difficult to be completely happy since drew has been feeling pretty terrible. Starting last night, drew has been feeling constantly nauseated. We are asking for prayers that this Drew will start feeling better and that the nausea will subside. We are very thankful for nausea medication but it can only stop so much. We are excited for the day that Drew will be able to go back to eating and drinking normally.
Thank you to all those prayer warriors out there!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Last round!

I have to apologize for waiting so long to update! With the holiday weekend and work I have been a bit busy! I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and great family time!

We have officially started the last round of chemo! We started the last crazy intense on Monday and we are already over half way done! Only 2 more days this week, and then 2 more shorter appointments on the next 2 Mondays! Drew was doing pretty well the first two days this week but today he is starting to feel it more. We got his labs back from Monday and things are looking great! His AFP is down to 13 (from 59) and his bHCG is the same at  <0.1, basically nondetectable! We will finish this round of chemo and then a week or so after the last day we will get another CT scan and tumor markers ( they are working on what day this will be) then we will meet with the oncologist again on Jan 3 to get the results and see what we will do from there. If everything looks good, we will follow up with CT scans and labs every 3 months for a year and then go from there.

A couple special thanks...
My family for coming over and making it look like Christmas in our house!
Everyone who made us a meal!
Nate for snowblowing our driveway today!
Our lovely neighbor who raked our lawn TWICE!
Everyone who has been praying for us!